Targeting Debt and Deficits in India: A Structural Macroeconometric Approach
Publication date
मई, 2015Details
NIPFP Working Paper No. 148Authors
N R Bhanumurthy, Sukanya Bose and Parma Devi AdhikariAbstract
This study attempts to construct a consistent macroeconomic framework for India to review the macro-fiscal linkages over the 14th Finance Commission period of 2015-19. The existing NIPFP model has been reworked to add a full-fledged real sector block comprising of agriculture, industry, services and infrastructure, with the overall economy comprising of real sector block, external block, monetary block, fiscal block and macroeconomic block. The estimated model was used for policy simulations that are relevant for the 14th Finance Commission. The various scenarios include (a) shock due to 7th Pay Commission award, (b) targeting deficit and debt and (c) targeting higher growth. The results suggest that while Pay Commission award would result in slightly higher growth compared to the base case, this also results in higher inflation, fiscal-revenue deficits, current account deficit as well as higher government liability. Further simulation results suggest that expenditure switching policy, which is the core of expansionary fiscal consolidation mechanism, of increasing higher government capital expenditure and reducing the government transfers could result in higher growth with a manageable fiscal deficit of 5.3 per cent that also brings down the government (centre plus states) liability to around 60 per cent by 2019-20.