Investment Allowance (Section 32A of the Income Tax Act, 1961) A Study
- Publication date जन, 1989
- Published in NIPFP study
- Authors J.V.M. Sarma & H.K. Sondhi
- Price for printed copy Rs. 100.00
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- Entire manuscript
- Cover Page
- Preface & Acknowledgement
- Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Investement Allowance And Growth Of Investment In India
- 3. Investement Allowance Tax Revenue Forgone
- 4. Investement Allowance And Corporate Capital Structure
- 5. Inflation And Investment Allowance
- 6. Problems Of Implementation
- 7. The New Funding Scheme
- 8. Summary Of Conclusions And Recommendations
- Technical Notes
- Appendix
- Bibliography